PDH Homebase PDH Home Base is working towards popularizing and growing the Pauper EDH community, with the hopes of giving all players the resources they need to play this format. This website has been created by fans, for fans.
PDHREC PDHREC was founded in 2022 as a data-driven Magic: The Gathering resource for the Pauper Commander format (also known as PDH). We provide data on deck staples and other high synergy cards to help you build your next deck.
Hexdrinkers The Hexdrinkers really want to focus on providing a window into how they experience Magic and how it has been an outlet of creativity for them. They found that Magic is not only a game, but a way to communicate.
Common Connoisseurs As competitively minded players, The Common Connoisseur’s community focuses is on the innovation of competitive Pauper Commander in an open, data driven environment.
Puzzlebox Puzzlebox plays fighting and card games for the most part. He posts whatever is related to these topics that he takes part in at the moment.
The Possibility Storm The Possibility Storm is all you can eat cEDH gameplay, podcast discussion, and what you’re really looking for…cPDH goodness!
One More Game We are a Gaming Channel with an emphasis on the Magic the Gathering Commander format (EDH) – with some PDH. From our host Chris, you will receive game play videos, strategies for improving your knowledge of the commander format, reviews on new sets and deck building.
Ankylosaur PDH Ankylosaur makes Competitive Pauper EDH videos aimed at welcoming newer players to the format, highlighting stand-out decks and breaking down the combos and interactions that make them successful.
cPDH Subreddit What started out as a meme subreddit, created in 2015 by one savvy AF SOB, the cPDH Subreddit has now become the new home for Competitive Pauper Commander on Reddit.
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